Wednesday, June 25, 2008


June 25th 2008
We just got to our campsite in Venice. It was a little interesting figuring out the bus system but we made it. Its a really nice place. We have a little trailer type deal with 2 beds a bathroom and AC which is good because its about 90 degrees here. Also, there is a pool, ping pong tables, a restaurant and bar on the site. Its going to be a lot of fun.

Yesterday we spent the day in Innsbruck. I wish we could have spent a few more days there. Its a beautiful town and the people are very nice. We took a trip to the top of one of the mountains. The 3 lifts took us about 2 miles up where we hiked to the peak. At the top we actually got to play in snow which was pretty fun since its June. I threw a few snow balls at Meghan. They also had a zip line, which happened to be free for some reason, from one part of the mountain to another. It was pretty cool. Our hotel was also very nice. It had really comfortable beds which is a bit of a change from the past places. It was nice to stay in a real hotel.

Tomorrow we are going to go into Venice. Probably going to go on a canal ride or something... we will see.

- Alex

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Munich and Innsbruck

June 24th 2008
We just got to Innsbruck, Anstria today from Munich. It was a nice train ride through the mountains. Innsbruck seems really nice. Its has a small town feel but is still big enough. Beautiful mountains surround the city. We are getting ready to hike up them and hopefully do a zipline ride while up there.

Surprisingly, Munich might have been my favorite place so far. I didn't really know what to expect when we got there, but we found that our days there were filled with fun activities with much more that we could have done at the time we left.

Yesterday we went to the Neuschwanstein castle about an hour and a half from Munich by bus. This is the castle you see at the beginning of every Disney movie. It was gorgeous. We swam in Swan Lake in fresh alpine water and hiked up the mountain to a bridge that overlooked the town and the castle. It was really something I'll always remember.

The day before we went to Dachau. This was the original concentraion camp that was created in 1933 for Political prisoners. It was definitely an experience that I think most people should have. Its one thing to see the pictures of the people and how they were treated, but to stand in the rooms where they were forced to live was much worse. I also thought about how I willingly took a train to a place where thousands of people would have given anything get away from. It was another experience I'll always remember.

After Dachau we went on a bike tour of Munich. It was a beautiful day for biking through the city. We were told that there had only been 2 or 3 days of sun the whole month so far, so we were very lucky the days we were there. After the bike ride we swam in a river that went through the English Gardens. It was very cold, but a lot of fun. We finished off the tour with a trip to the beer garden. The beers in Germany are HUGE and very tasty.

Tomorrow we go to Venice at 1 pm. The place we are staying looks like a ton of fun. See you later.


Thursday, June 19, 2008


June 19 2008
So I've been in Paris for a few days now. Its been a lot of fun. Meghan and I are staying in a nice hostel in the northern part of the city and our room as a nice view of the Eiffel Tower. We've gone to see almost all of the touristy places so far, but still have a few left to do. I think we are going to see Versailles tomorrow morning.

Last night we went to the Eiffel tower at sun down, which is about 10:30 pm here, and saw the lights come on. We went up to the top around midnight and saw the entire city at night. It was really nice and the view was great. This morning we went to see Jim Morrison's grave and Notre Dame, then we went to Sacre Coeur. The city is so massive that its difficult to see a lot in one day because it takes a while to get there even on the metro.

Tonight we are going on a bar crawl through Paris. It goes to 4 bars and a night club with an english speaking group and guide. It looks like a lot of fun and its not too expensive either. We have one more day here then we leave Saturday morning at 7 for Munich.

- Alex

Sunday, June 15, 2008


June 15th 2008

Meghan and I caught the train at 10:56 from Amsterdam to Brussels this morning. We got here around 2 pm and immediately got lost in the rain. It took us about 45 minutes and a few nice people later to finally find the hostel. Our first impressions of the city are that it is very ugly. Our second and third impressions are also that it is very ugly.

We walked around in the rain and sampled some if the food and beer. The beers are very good here... it is the city of beer after all. After a few beers we went to a free movie in one of the bars in the night life area. We saw Paris Texas. It was a move in the Cannes Film Festival in the 1980's so it was a bit slow... but ok. Watching it with a bunch of other people in Brussels made it worthwhile though.

After we left the movie we thought we were done for the evening so we started back. Soon after... and still as I type this... we could hear the horns of the cars in the street. We realized that Turkey had just won a Euro 2008 game. The people were going crazy in the streets. They run with flags and sing. Kids are hanging out of cars and riding 4 wheelers in the streets and the police do nothing. It is fun to watch. We walked about 20 minutes back the the hostel and heard the people the whole way. They even organized into a parade at one point.

The evening turned out really nice when the sky cleared up and the buildings lit up. Its not too bad at night here if its nice out. Our hostel seems nice and there is no one else in our room tonight so its more relaxing than having people come in at 3 am talking really loudly. Well, thats all for now.

- Alex

Saturday, June 14, 2008


June 14th 2008
I met Meghan at the train station in the center of Amsterdam after my flight and we walked around a bit. The city is really nice. Most people who live here ride bikes to get where they are going. There are so many of them. This means you don't have to just look out for cars, but bikers as well and they'll get pretty mad if you get in their way.

After we checked in we went to the Anne Frank House. It was a kind of depressing start to the trip to see how those people had to live. But after and a little nap I felt much better and we went down to Rembrantsplein to watch the Netherlands play France in the Euro 2008 Championship. Its fun to see all the people watch the game because they are so into it. Holland won the game 4 - 1 and it got really crazy around here. People were singing and blowing horns and celebrating with many many drinks among other things. These kids drew orange all over our faces and we wore orange shirts so we sorta fit in I guess. They don't care as long as you cheer when they score and look sad when the other team does.

Today we woke up around 9:30 and had breakfast then went out into the city. We went on a canal tour through the city which was pretty nice. Then we walked all the way to the Rijksmuseum and sat in a park for a bit while a band was playing. I took pictures with the I AMSTERDAM sign but I can't figure out how to load them on this computer. Tonight we are probably going to walk through the red light district to see it in all its glory and then have a few beers at a bar.

Tomorrow we leave for Brussels. The city of beer looks like its going to be fun. I'll let you know how it goes in a few days.

- Alex

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Going Around the World

June 12th 2008

Ok so last year I went to Italy for 6 weeks and attempted to write a blog. Last year my blog lasted exactly 1 post... the day before I left. This year I'm going around the world in 10 weeks and am again attempting a blog. We'll see how many posts I do this year.

My flight is out tomorrow at 5:17 pm from Dulles International nonstop to Amsterdam on United. I am getting really excited about this, but I have to admit the whole idea of living out of a backpack for two and a half months is kinda scary. I think I have everything I need but we'll see.

So the trip schedule goes like this:
June 12: Home
June 13 - 15: Amsterdam
June 15 - 17: Brussels
June 17 - 21: Paris
June 21 - 24: Munich
June 24 - 25: Innsbruck
June 25 - 27: Venice
June 27 - 29: Rimini
June 30: Assisi
July 1 - 4: Rome
July 4 - 20ish: Assisi Teaching English
July 20ish - 29: Leeds/London
July29 - Aug 3: Hong Kong
Aug 3 - 18: Brisbane/Melbourne/Sydney
Aug 18: Los Angeles
Aug 19 - 22ish: San Diego
Aug 22: Home

For the first part of my trip I am going to be traveling with my friend Meghan from school. She has been studying in Copenhagen and Amsterdam for the past 3 weeks. She will be with me through Rome. After Meghan goes home on July 4th I will teach English in Assisi with my friend Nate for a few weeks.

Assisi is a small town about an hour and a half north of Rome by train. It is famous for Saint Francis Di Assisi, whom San Francisco is named after. Its a really nice small town and I'm looking forward to spending some time living there.

After Assisi I'll be visiting a few friends in the UK. All of them are people I met teaching English in Italy last year. It definitely makes visiting places easier when you have a place to stay.

Hong Kong will be interesting because I'll be alone in the city for 4 days before I head to Australia. It looks like an exciting city and I don't think it will be too bad being alone. Its definitely going to be an adventure.

When I get to Australia I'll be visiting another friend I met while teaching English last year. She lives in Brisbane and is still at school. My only regret is that I am going to Australia during their winter, but its not much of a regret. I'd rather go to Australia in the winter than not at all. Plus, its tough to call some place winter when the coldest it gets is around 55 degrees.

Tim is going to pick me up in LA on the 18th when I fly in. I attempted to fly through Fiji on my way to LA, but that didn't end up working out. Oh well.Its really weird because I leave Sydney around 2 pm on Aug. 18th and fly for 13 hours or so, arriving in LA at 10 AM on Aug. 18. Crazy. I think we are planning on spending a night in LA to see the sights since I've never actually been to LA, just driven past. After that I'm going to head down to San Diego and spend a few days at the beach before I catch a flight home to start working.... lame. For now I'm heading east till I get home again. I think its gonna be a good time.

- Alex