Wednesday, June 25, 2008


June 25th 2008
We just got to our campsite in Venice. It was a little interesting figuring out the bus system but we made it. Its a really nice place. We have a little trailer type deal with 2 beds a bathroom and AC which is good because its about 90 degrees here. Also, there is a pool, ping pong tables, a restaurant and bar on the site. Its going to be a lot of fun.

Yesterday we spent the day in Innsbruck. I wish we could have spent a few more days there. Its a beautiful town and the people are very nice. We took a trip to the top of one of the mountains. The 3 lifts took us about 2 miles up where we hiked to the peak. At the top we actually got to play in snow which was pretty fun since its June. I threw a few snow balls at Meghan. They also had a zip line, which happened to be free for some reason, from one part of the mountain to another. It was pretty cool. Our hotel was also very nice. It had really comfortable beds which is a bit of a change from the past places. It was nice to stay in a real hotel.

Tomorrow we are going to go into Venice. Probably going to go on a canal ride or something... we will see.

- Alex

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beer, beer, beer!! Admit it - this whole trip thing is just an opportunity to drink as much beer as you can in every country you visit! All the "tourist" stuff is only a diversion! I'm watching you...........!!! (Can I go with you next time??) Dad