Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Last Entry

August 23, 2008
This is probably my last blog entry ever. I just don't see the need to blog my life when I'm just at home. I mean I can probably blog the rest of my life right now anyways. Here it is: I go home on Monday. Start my job next Tuesday. Rinse and repeat for some amount of years. Meet a girl who does not completely annoy me and give her a ring as a prize for that. Kids come out of her and she becomes annoying but now I'm stuck with her. Everything is more expensive as a result of living with kids and a woman so I really have to keep working until the kids grow up and go to college. College is a rip off so I have to work even harder. I work and then the kids graduate and go on trips around the world, which I am jealous of. They get home and start working. I laugh in their face about the reality of life. I retire years after that to travel the world once again. So you see there is really no need for me to ever blog again after this.

Ok so I'm not really that depressed about the real life situation thats about to start. I'm beginning to accept that fun life dies a violent death and after that there is real life. This kinda sucks but at least I'll be making money. It could also be worse, since I actually do have a job and my dad is my boss. Lets not talk about me having to start work though because its upsetting me.

So San Diego then. I've been here about 4 or 5 times now and its always nice. Well once it was cloudy the whole week but that isn't the case this time. Its been sunny every day. Tim has to work so I drive him to work in the morning and then he gives me the car and I go to the beach all day. Then around 4 or 5 I pick him up from work and we get some food after that.

Last night we went to a Dave Matthews concert. Everyone brings tons of food and tailgates in the parking lot before the show. Also, everyone is a huge 'Dave' fan and calls him by his first name like they know him personally. Its usually these people's 14th or 15th 'Dave' outting. They even have competitions about it. It goes something like this. EveryDaveFan comes up to me and says 'Hey man where you from?' I say 'Me? Oh I'm from Annapolis.' 'Oh awesome man. So you must really be into Daving then. You came all the way out here just to Dave?' (Dave can be used as a verb if you didn't know.) Then I say 'Well no I just happened to be here and it was going on so I thought I would check it out.' EveryDaveFan says condescendingly ' Oh thats cool so this is like only your 10th or 11th Dave?' I respond with 'no actually, its just my first one.' EveryDaveFan is shocked 'Your first Dave? Your FIRST Dave? I didn't think a first was possible! This must be my 15th or 16th Dave' So after arguing 'what came first, the chicken or the Dave?' for a bit I decided it was time to go in. The show was pretty good but we sat kinda far away. The first 5000 seats or so were filled with 15th time Davers. I was there with Tim and two other friends so we still had a good time.

Ok so I guess now is the time when I reflect on my trip and discuss how I have changed as a person and all that lame stuff. Well I'm not sure I have changed that much, I just realized that everyone is actually very similar to me. There are similarities in everything else too. Bathrooms smell like urine, the line for the womens room is 100 times longer than for the mens (especially at the Vatican when the girls walk in and realize there is no toilet, just a hole), sleepy people on the metro nod their head over and over again, oh and the metro smells bad everywhere too. I was never really shocked by anything I saw save a few moments of pure stupidity, but there is plenty of that in the US so it wasn't that shocking.
I also realized that most people in America work too hard to the point that they don't know why they are doing it. Its like real life makes Americans become work machines that don't know when to turn off and enjoy anything. Not everyone is like that but there are definitely some. Italy might be on the other extreme, but they at least know how to enjoy their lives.
I got to see an experience a lot during this trip and I have no regrets about it. I'm glad I spent all of my money on it. I got to see things I never thought I would see and meet so many nice people from around the world. It was really a great experience and one I couldn't possibly forget. Its been fun but now its real life time. I don't think its going to be all bad.

- Alex

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