Thursday, June 19, 2008


June 19 2008
So I've been in Paris for a few days now. Its been a lot of fun. Meghan and I are staying in a nice hostel in the northern part of the city and our room as a nice view of the Eiffel Tower. We've gone to see almost all of the touristy places so far, but still have a few left to do. I think we are going to see Versailles tomorrow morning.

Last night we went to the Eiffel tower at sun down, which is about 10:30 pm here, and saw the lights come on. We went up to the top around midnight and saw the entire city at night. It was really nice and the view was great. This morning we went to see Jim Morrison's grave and Notre Dame, then we went to Sacre Coeur. The city is so massive that its difficult to see a lot in one day because it takes a while to get there even on the metro.

Tonight we are going on a bar crawl through Paris. It goes to 4 bars and a night club with an english speaking group and guide. It looks like a lot of fun and its not too expensive either. We have one more day here then we leave Saturday morning at 7 for Munich.

- Alex

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you two have been plenty busy. I bet Paris is beautiful all lite up at night. Today is Dad's and my anniversary so we are going out to dinner tonight - not quite Paris, but it will have to do.

Love, Mom