Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Impressions of Hong Kong

July 31, 2008
It took me 30 hours to get here but its worth it. I've never seen a place like this. I don't think there is another place like this. It really is where the west meets the east. The plane rides weren't too bad at all. Qatar Air says they are a 5 star airline and they really are. They had the biggest selection of movies I've seen. Their food wasn't too bad, they give you as much as you want for free and they even serve hot towels multiple times per flight. The only problem was that the plane from Doha to Hong Kong had a fuel leak. This meant an extra 4 hour delay on top of my 6 hour layover. If I had been at Heathrow this wouldn't have been too bad... there is tons to do in the airport. I probably could have seen a movie if I wanted there... but Doha has NOTHING.

I sat. Then I walked back and forth. Then I sat. Then I passed out on my own lap. Then I sat. Then they moved us. Then I sat. Then we moved again and I sat. You get the picture. When we finally got on the plane I immediately passed out. I slept 6 hours of the 8 and a half. I woke up somewhere over China. This was the only good part of the delay. It got me so tired I actually slept on the flight. This was a big deal to me. When I finally got to my hostel I fell asleep from 10 pm to 11 am. I guess I was tired.

One of the other annoying things was that I sat next to a Chinese man who loved to slurp everything and then smack it. At first he was eating noodles so I thought thats just how it was done. Then he was eating chicken and doing the same thing. It seemed like he did it just to make me mad. I didn't understand the need to smack everything in his mouth. It was like this 'slllluuuuurp... smack smack smack smack slllllurrrp'. I guess there are a few cultural differences I need to get over.

Hong Kong itself is awesome. There are tons of tall buildings AND everything is way cheaper than London. The US dollar still has some power here. After being in Europe and England this is really nice. I got a big lunch, shaving cream and toothpaste for about $10. This sounds like normal but it would have been around $20 in London for that.

Right now I am in a cafe on free internet (Another thing that wouldn't happen in Europe) right on the harbor. I am at the walkway of the stars. Its like Hollywood where all the stars put their hands into cement. Its pretty cool but I don't know any of the stars. It overlooks the harbor and all the buildings. This is really cool here at night because 10 or so of the buildings participate in a coordinated light show to music. I saw it last night as I was getting here but I didn't know what was going on till I read about it. I guess I'll try to see it better to night.

Also, US soccer is playing a warmup match on Saturday night against an African team I think. Im going to try to get tickets. Last night I was watching it and there was no one there so maybe it will be cheap.

My hostel is ok but the room is really small. I have a tv and a bathroom, but the bathroom is a combo. What I mean by that is that it is basically a shower with a toilet and sink in it. It was a bit odd hosing down the toilet when I was showering but I'll get used to it. Also, it has no windows so when I wake up I really have no clue what time it is. It serves its purpose though and for $30 USD a night I'm not complaining too much.

Julianne would love Hong Kong. She would shop all day. They have all the same designer stuff as well as tons of cool local things all for much cheaper. I've seen awesome looking chinese dresses for around $100 HKD which is just about $13 USD. I'd get some stuff for her but I don't have any idea what she likes or any room for it. It a shame going to all these places and seeing so many cool things I want but not being able to get any of it because I have no room for it. Oh well.

I'm going back out now to explore. Talk to you later.

- Alex

Sunday, July 27, 2008


July 27 2008
The flight from Perugia to London was really nice. Clear skys all the way until we got over England. Big surprise. While we were landing I overheard a woman say that it was 'quite a nice day today', but it was mostly cloudy. When I got into the airport I stood in the wrong line twice while trying to clear customs. I don't know what the point of being in an English speaking country is if you aren't going to read the signs anyways. After I finally figured it out, the customs officer asked me a million questions ranging from where I was staying to who I'll be working for when I return home.

After I finally got through I went to the 'hole in the wall' to get some cash out. I took the train from Stansted to London which took about 45 minutes then went to find Sophie's office. I had to get a name tag printed out before the huge security guards would let me through. It was a bit intimidating going into that place, especially dressed like I was - shorts and a t-shirt. We went up stairs and dropped my bag and I left to go tour London till Sophie finished work.

I decided to visit Big Ben first. I took the 'tube' there and sat in the garden listening to music and reading the paper. While I sat there the clouds broke up and it got really sunny. This meant that I had to retake all the pictures of Big Ben. I then went and saw the eye of London. Its a huge ferris wheel right next to Big Ben. After sitting in the park there for a bit Sophie called and I went to meet her and her co-workers for some drinks.

Everyone in the commercial part of London go out for drinks outside if the weather is nice. Again I was well underdressed. The closest person to me might have taken his tie and jacket off. I met Sophies friends and we made plans to go to dinner then out after.

I got some spicy curry for dinner because I have been craving something spicy for a while (Italy doesn't really do spicy). The dinner was really nice and we 'had some laughs' with Sophie's friends. We tried to convince her friend Sameer to come out to Infernos, but he wouldn't come even though its supposedly his favorite place. Everyone else says that the 'cheese' music and the vomit on the floor would be too much for them. I had a great time. They played some real classics and they had a place on stage where two people could get up and dance in front of everyone (Sophie danced in front of everyone). At about 3:30 we started our adverture home.

The nice thing about London is that busses run all night... just not necessarily where you want them to. It took 2 busses and a mile walk to get home and it was getting light when we got there. When we got back Sophie showed me my room and I was thrilled to find a REAL bed. Not a couch not a floor, a REAL bed. This might not sound like a big deal but if you lived like me the past 8 months its pretty cool.

Ok I'm sort of rambling now. So Saturday I didn't wake up till about 12:30. We missed the 2:30 train just because of laziness so we took an even later one. We walked around town saw Buckingham Palace, got some expensive Coke, sat in some chairs in the park, and gave Sameer crap about not coming out the night before. Then we went to London's 'Times Square' or Piccadily Circus. Its pretty nice. Unfortunately I gave up my Starbucks virginity while at the Circus. It was pretty depressing, but quite good. While drinking the devil's milk we walked through Leicester Square on our way to Covent Garden, where we watched a guy put a sword down his throat, while standing on the top of a ladder, while juggling. Crazy. Then he wanted money for it for some reason. I gave him a pound to shut him up. So did about 200 other people.

After that I had a delicious burger. It was awesome. It had been a while since I have eaten food that actaully filled me up. This might be why I like London so much. I've actually been filled after every meal here. Anyways, after this we went to a pub in South London to see Sophie's cousin Jamie for his birthday. The people in London get pretty drunk. At one point this guy pulled himself out in front of everyone. This guy makes Steve look conservative. We closed down the pub then went home.

Today we decided to go see the Lion King and it was amazing. They were so creative with the costumes. My favorite was obviously the elephant. I would recommend seeing it. I'd tell you more but I don't want to give away the ending.

Tomorrow Sophie has to go to work or something like that. (I think she is lying and is just trying to get away from me). I'm going to walk around London and probably buy Maryland Cookies... which we don't have in Maryland for some reason. After she gets out of work we are going to the pub (big surprise) and then I get ready to go to Hong Kong on Tuesday.

- Alex

Talk to you

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Assisi Week 3

July 23, 2008

Time is really flying by. Its almost time to leave
Italy. After the English camp ended everything went even faster.

On Saturday night Nate, Ashley, Christinia and I went to Perugia to see the Umbria Jazz Festival. It was a lot of fun. There were some free concerts there so we went to those. If I felt like paying 60 euro (95 dollars) I could have seen Alicia Keys or REM, but I dont have that kind of money to blow. The band we did see was called Funk Off. I dont know if the Italians realized what their word play meant, but they played a great show. They were an Italian version of a New Orleans band with tons of energy. There were trumpets, saxs, drummers and tubas and they really got everyone into the show.

On Sunday we went up to the top of Assisi to see the castle, then walked back down the hill to go to a wine bar that Nate and Ashley like. After a 15 minute walk up hill we reached the castle. Nate didnt know much about it, but it was cool to look at. It also had a great view of Assisi and the valley where Nate lives.
The wine bar was also very good. Something I really like about Italy is that they give you tons of snacks when you get a glass of wine. They give you nuts, chips, olives and little sandwiches. Its pretty good. To be honest I sometimes get a glass just so they give me the snacks. After the wine bar we walked around Assisi a bit before going home.

On Monday Christinia took us to to the top of the mountain. Its a bit of a ride and not for those who get car sick easily (Nate had to sit in the front seat with the windown down). Once we got up top we had a really great view of the area. You can see all the surrounding cities (Santa Maria, Perugia, Spello, Foligno, Trevy, Speleto and others). It was a really nice day, but a bit cold up there. We brought lunch and had a picnic then just laid out in the sun for an hour or so before going to Spello for some Ice Cream. The car ride was really nice all the way up and across the mountain then back down the other side. There were also hang gliders from Germany at the top of the mountain about to take off while we were up there. Its a good location for it apparently.

Today we attempted to go to Rome. I say attempted because TrenItalia sometimes doesnt work very well. When we got near the town of Speleto, about 30 minutes from Assisi by train, a piece of track broke or something. We had to get off the train in Speleto and wait. They said they didnt know how long it would be before we could go again so we abandoned the idea of Rome for today and spend the day in Speleto. We are going to try again tomorrow.
Speleto was a nice town. It also had great views of the valley and a castle at the top of the hill. In this region I would be considered to be well traveled just because I have been in most of the cities in the valley and surrounding areas. Nate told me a story about a woman who told him that one of the cities she could see from her house was the most beautiful city in the world. Nate asked her if she had ever been there and she said no. Going to another town is kinda a big deal I guess even if its right down the road.
Anyways so after we got our first coffee in Spoleto we ate our lunch (that was supposed to be eaten in the Roman Forum) then got another coffee and played Uno while waiting for our train home. Nate and Ashley are really into Uno so when I got a call from my dad I had to keep playing while trying to talk to him. Apparently its not as good with two people.
Its been a really great weekend and I have another great week ahead. Im going to meet up with some friends from last year in London along with some high school friends that found out I am going to be there via the power of Facebook. Im going to be a little sad to leave Italy. Its been a lot of fun here but I am excited for London and I am ready to do some traveling again.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Assisi Week 2

July 13 2008
Ive been in Europe for a month now. It seems like it is flying by. This last week went by really fast it seemed and I didnt really do that much. Every day I go to the grocery store in the morning and then take the train to Foligno in the afternoon to go to English camp. There werent enough kids for me to work it so I just hang out at the pool all day and sometimes play kickball and soccer with the kids. Its not too bad of a deal.

This weekend we went to a town called Arrezo to meet up with some other kids we knew from English camp. Their camp was at a nice hotel in the mountains. We went swimming during the day and then they had a mideval dinner they cooked for us. I think their camp had a mideval theme or something because they had all these costumes. We had to dress up for the dinner and everything. Gave us pork and a bit of this salad stuff. It was really good. Afterwards we went to the cafe and had a glass of wine. The hotel also let us sleep in the lobby for free. They gave us pull out beds. It was a bit odd sleeping in a lobby but it was free so I didnt complain. In the morning we took the train back and hung out in Assisi. Right now I am uploading some pictures to the internet on Picasa. You can look at them here:

Ive booked a flight to London on July 25th. Im going to meet up with my English friend Sophie and she is going to show me around for the weekend. Im looking forward to it since Ive only flown through London.

- Alex

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back to Assisi

July 6th 2008
Im back to Assisi for a few weeks now. Meghan left on Friday the 4th to go home. It felt a little funny when she left because I really realized that I was across the world by myself. I have had this feeling before, but it is a bit odd when it happens. You are in a safe place and know youll be fine but you know no one. I met up with Nate later that day and the feeling went away, but I suspect I will really get it when I am in Hong Kong by myself in August.

Right now my plan is to fly to London on Friday July 25th and stay for the weekend before my flight to Hong Kong. Assisi is a relaxing place. The weather has been really nice even if its a bit hot. It cools of a bit at night and there is not much humidity so it has not been bad. I have been reading the book the Life of Pi the past few days since Meghan finished it and didnt want to take it home. She said it was weird but I have been unable to put it down. Nate has a bunch of books so when I finish it I guess I will start on one of his.

Something that is almost a miracle has already happened in Assisi. I have started to eat onions. Nate puts them in almost everything and one night i was so hungry I just ate them and decided they are not that bad if they are cooked. I know. I cant believe it. Who knows what else this city will do to me if it already has me eating onions after 2 days. I was thinking I would start running again too. We will see about that one.

So last night we sat on the porch and drank wine as the stars came out. Dont worry Ashley was there too. It wasnt just nate and me. If you are wondering why I am not punctuating my contractions its because I cant find the key. Anyways, it was really nice out and we had a glass of wine. The really cool thing was that the monks sing on Saturday night so we heard them singing as the stars were coming out. After wine we went and got some ice cream and sat in the square next to the chruch. We start every day with a cup of coffee at the coffee bar next to Nates apartment. This place has a nice small town feel but still has a lot to do. Its much different here but so far I like it.

- Alex

- Alex

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Venice, Rimini, Assisi, Rome

July 2nd 2008
Right now Meghan and I are in Rome. Its pretty hot here but not to bad. Venice was a lot of fun, but a bit different from the rest of our trip. We were at a camp site a bit outside of the city. We met a lot of fun people and hung out with them the whole time. The Irish couple was fun to talk to and we also met these kids from Denmark took us to the beach one day because they had a car. We only went into Venice for about 4 hours one day without a map so we got kinda lost but we got to see it. The place we stayed had a pool and restaurant so at night we would just come back and relax there when we werent being attacked by bugs. Thank God for off spray...

Rimini was also a good time because we just got to sit on the beach for 2 days. Other than the sunburn we got it was perfect. Our hotel looked right out over the sea and we just sat in beach chairs and relaxed during the day. It was like Ocean City except not as dirty... so maybe like Bethany. Since its more of a tourist spot for Italians, the prices were a lot cheaper which was nice.

Yesterday we were in Assisi. Its a really pretty city. It has that small Italian town feel to it. Nate is really good with Italian now so its fine for him, but it would be difficult for me to be there alone. The people there are really nice. Nate knows the people at all the shops and cafes and they seem really nice. His apartment is right in the middle of the valley and has a nice view of the church of St. Francis at night. Its going to be nice to be there for a few weeks.

Now we are in Rome. Its pretty hot here but there are no bugs so its fine. We are waiting for the private bus from our campsite to take us to the Vatican in 20 minutes. We are planning on walking around the city all day and then coming back here and relaxing by the pool tonight. Tomorrow we plan to do the same because Rome has probably the most to see out of any city we have been to yet.

Meghan is leaving on Friday to go back home. Its crazy how fast 3 weeks have gone by, but at least I still have about 6 more before I have to go home. So far is hasnt been to bad traveling because we have had two heads to figures stuff out. I think Ill make a few more mistakes without her here. Its all in the adventure though. Ill be fine.

- Alex