Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Assisi Week 3

July 23, 2008

Time is really flying by. Its almost time to leave
Italy. After the English camp ended everything went even faster.

On Saturday night Nate, Ashley, Christinia and I went to Perugia to see the Umbria Jazz Festival. It was a lot of fun. There were some free concerts there so we went to those. If I felt like paying 60 euro (95 dollars) I could have seen Alicia Keys or REM, but I dont have that kind of money to blow. The band we did see was called Funk Off. I dont know if the Italians realized what their word play meant, but they played a great show. They were an Italian version of a New Orleans band with tons of energy. There were trumpets, saxs, drummers and tubas and they really got everyone into the show.

On Sunday we went up to the top of Assisi to see the castle, then walked back down the hill to go to a wine bar that Nate and Ashley like. After a 15 minute walk up hill we reached the castle. Nate didnt know much about it, but it was cool to look at. It also had a great view of Assisi and the valley where Nate lives.
The wine bar was also very good. Something I really like about Italy is that they give you tons of snacks when you get a glass of wine. They give you nuts, chips, olives and little sandwiches. Its pretty good. To be honest I sometimes get a glass just so they give me the snacks. After the wine bar we walked around Assisi a bit before going home.

On Monday Christinia took us to to the top of the mountain. Its a bit of a ride and not for those who get car sick easily (Nate had to sit in the front seat with the windown down). Once we got up top we had a really great view of the area. You can see all the surrounding cities (Santa Maria, Perugia, Spello, Foligno, Trevy, Speleto and others). It was a really nice day, but a bit cold up there. We brought lunch and had a picnic then just laid out in the sun for an hour or so before going to Spello for some Ice Cream. The car ride was really nice all the way up and across the mountain then back down the other side. There were also hang gliders from Germany at the top of the mountain about to take off while we were up there. Its a good location for it apparently.

Today we attempted to go to Rome. I say attempted because TrenItalia sometimes doesnt work very well. When we got near the town of Speleto, about 30 minutes from Assisi by train, a piece of track broke or something. We had to get off the train in Speleto and wait. They said they didnt know how long it would be before we could go again so we abandoned the idea of Rome for today and spend the day in Speleto. We are going to try again tomorrow.
Speleto was a nice town. It also had great views of the valley and a castle at the top of the hill. In this region I would be considered to be well traveled just because I have been in most of the cities in the valley and surrounding areas. Nate told me a story about a woman who told him that one of the cities she could see from her house was the most beautiful city in the world. Nate asked her if she had ever been there and she said no. Going to another town is kinda a big deal I guess even if its right down the road.
Anyways so after we got our first coffee in Spoleto we ate our lunch (that was supposed to be eaten in the Roman Forum) then got another coffee and played Uno while waiting for our train home. Nate and Ashley are really into Uno so when I got a call from my dad I had to keep playing while trying to talk to him. Apparently its not as good with two people.
Its been a really great weekend and I have another great week ahead. Im going to meet up with some friends from last year in London along with some high school friends that found out I am going to be there via the power of Facebook. Im going to be a little sad to leave Italy. Its been a lot of fun here but I am excited for London and I am ready to do some traveling again.

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