Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Venice, Rimini, Assisi, Rome

July 2nd 2008
Right now Meghan and I are in Rome. Its pretty hot here but not to bad. Venice was a lot of fun, but a bit different from the rest of our trip. We were at a camp site a bit outside of the city. We met a lot of fun people and hung out with them the whole time. The Irish couple was fun to talk to and we also met these kids from Denmark took us to the beach one day because they had a car. We only went into Venice for about 4 hours one day without a map so we got kinda lost but we got to see it. The place we stayed had a pool and restaurant so at night we would just come back and relax there when we werent being attacked by bugs. Thank God for off spray...

Rimini was also a good time because we just got to sit on the beach for 2 days. Other than the sunburn we got it was perfect. Our hotel looked right out over the sea and we just sat in beach chairs and relaxed during the day. It was like Ocean City except not as dirty... so maybe like Bethany. Since its more of a tourist spot for Italians, the prices were a lot cheaper which was nice.

Yesterday we were in Assisi. Its a really pretty city. It has that small Italian town feel to it. Nate is really good with Italian now so its fine for him, but it would be difficult for me to be there alone. The people there are really nice. Nate knows the people at all the shops and cafes and they seem really nice. His apartment is right in the middle of the valley and has a nice view of the church of St. Francis at night. Its going to be nice to be there for a few weeks.

Now we are in Rome. Its pretty hot here but there are no bugs so its fine. We are waiting for the private bus from our campsite to take us to the Vatican in 20 minutes. We are planning on walking around the city all day and then coming back here and relaxing by the pool tonight. Tomorrow we plan to do the same because Rome has probably the most to see out of any city we have been to yet.

Meghan is leaving on Friday to go back home. Its crazy how fast 3 weeks have gone by, but at least I still have about 6 more before I have to go home. So far is hasnt been to bad traveling because we have had two heads to figures stuff out. I think Ill make a few more mistakes without her here. Its all in the adventure though. Ill be fine.

- Alex


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has been three weeks already either. We do miss you though. Julianne is leaving for Aruba tomorrow so it will be extra lonely here for the next week and a half. I'm glad you are having a good time.

Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

Just caught up on your adventures. WOW WHAT A TIME! It feels really boring to be stuck in "dirty Ocean City", but we'll just have to make do.
St. Francis of Assisi is Grandma's favorite because of his love of animals. She would have liked some little momento from there. Oh well!

Keep safe and well. Love Gramps